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The Justin Scott Lucchese Foundation - A Way to Address Drug Addiction
A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
PO BOX 561, 2 Abbott St.
Woburn MA, 01801-9991
From Justin's Dad, Carmen Lucchese (12/23/14):
It has been almost 3 months since Justin passed away. During this trying time my family and I have gone through so many emotional times. The loss of a loved one is a hard thing to deal with, but when you lose a son or a daughter long before their time it is devastating. As a parent the pain is indescribable. Your life changes dramatically. At first it just seems like a bad dream, and that one morning you’ll wake up and things will be OK, that your son or daughter is still there, but then you realize that it is real and they aren’t there anymore. You try to get into some type of routine and sometimes it helps, but most times it does not. You think about your child every day, remembering all of the things that you did together, experienced together, both the good and the bad. You worry about your other children and hope that they can handle the grief. You worry about your spouse, hoping that the both of you can move forward. You try to be strong, setting an example for others who are living this nightmare. I won’t lie to you, this has been the hardest thing I have ever had to go through in my life. Who knows why these things happen. As a parent you try to do the right thing, but at the same time you can’t be with them 24/7. You hope to guide them to make the right choices, and you watch as they become great young adults, full of life, the world in their hands. Then something happens that is out of your control and your world is tipped upside down.
Justin was a great young man. He was smart, athletic, polite, (at least that’s what I’ve been told) and full of life. Justin was a happy go lucky kid, always with a smile, quick to make others laugh. He was always trying to help everyone else. He had his issues and we tried to help him through his difficult times, as did a host of others. I would give everything I have to get him back but I know that will not happen.
During this time I have found that I have done things that I never thought that I had the strength to do. I have seen my wife Marie, who has gone through so much in her life, especially the last year and half with her battle with cancer, get up in front of a room full of people and speak about Justin and his battle with addiction. I’ve watched my daughter Tayla, who lost her rock, mature and grow into a great young woman. My son Matt , doing whatever Mom and Dad could not because of our struggles. And then there is my oldest Joseph and his wife Ashley. They took Justin in when he needed help, opening their home to him. Joseph tried with all of his being to help his baby brother battle his demons. Neither I nor my wife would not have been able to go through what he has had to deal with the past 3 months.
To the rest of my family, my friends and the community that I love, you have been unbelievable. I cannot thank you all enough for your kindness, compassion and willingness to do whatever we needed to get through the days and months that have followed.
In another week 2015 will be upon us. As most of you know, my family and friends will be starting a foundation in Justin’s name. Our goal is to help raise money for those who are less fortunate than others and need financial help with their battle. We want to heighten awareness of this awful scourge of opiate addiction and we want to be a guide to those who don’t know where or who to turn to for help.
I’ve rambled on enough for now. This was actually just supposed to be a little note to all that we are hanging in there, and that we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and that good things will happen in 2015